Thursday, March 13, 2014

Civil War Unit

My class has recently been reading about the civil war. I have found some other ways to review the material with them. These videos are fun and the students remember the information more than me telling it to them.
Enjoy! (this is a rap song for them to sing a long to.) Here are the words:
Civil War Song
1.This song is for the scholars with the tunnel vision. Civil War is the course you account the mission? When I step on the track student grades go up! Got A’s on deck, like the braves! WHAT’S UP!!!!
2.The year is 1861.
The south secedes from the states’ union.
That’s bold, we know, as the story unfolds.
11 States formed their own America!
3.Constitution for Confederates and Jefferson Davis was the President! At Lincoln’s Inauguration on March 4th, he said he had no intentions to end slavery’s course!
4. Excuse me that’s a heck of a statement! My my my my can the country debate this? Dred Scott did with his case, but the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property.
5. Yes they did, Yes they did! Somebody tell me about Abraham Lincoln. He restored the union, linked the south up! 16th President chuck the deuce up!
6. Abe! Ok! Ok! What you gonna do? Abolish slavery? Or count slaves 3/5 too? Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s heart. boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s march.
7. The Compromise of 1850. The state of Californina was admitted as Free. Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s heart. boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s march.
8. This one is for the boys up in Georgia. Who would battle against the Yanks and were loyal. They could bang with the best if you ain’t know. But I think I like um better without Jim Crow.
9. And I think I like um better after Jimmy Carter. But let me tell you about the nation’s best seller! Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a book, everyone took a look and the nation was in ahhhhh!!!
10. Excuse me, F.Y.I. Did you know that Harriet Tubman was an American Spy? I mean why? To save folk’s lives. I can tell that she was tough, she had freedom in her eyes.
11. Yes she did! Yes she did! Somebody tell me about Abraham Lincoln. He restored the union, linked the south up! 16th President chuck the deuce up!
12. Abe! Ok! Ok! What you gonna do? Abolish slavery? Or count slaves 3/5 too? Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s heart. boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s march!
13. The Compromise of 1850. The state of Californina was admitted as Free. Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s heart. boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s march.
14. See the South needed slavery to stay! No, no, no, no, no the North proclaimed! No, no, no, no, no it ends today!
So  you got the Union and Confederate States. The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest day!
15. Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom bass.
Oh it be like, boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass
16. Abe! Ok! Ok! What you gonna do? Abolish slavery? Or count slaves 3/5 too? Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s heart. boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s march!
17. The Compromise of 1850. The state of Californina was admitted as Free. Can’t you hear that boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s heart. boom, badoom, boom, boom, badoom, boom, bass. Yeah that’s that soldier’s march.